comicios - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comicios (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "comicios" is a noun in the plural form.

Phonetic Transcription

/homiˈθjos/ (Spanish)

(Note: In Latin America, it may be pronounced as /koˈmitʃjos/)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Comicios" refers to the process or events related to elections, often in the context of formal voting to choose public officials. In the Spanish language, it is mainly used in political discourse and refers to organized political choices. The term is more frequently used in a written context, such as news articles, legal texts, and academic discussions about electoral systems, though it can appear in spoken political discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los comicios están programados para el próximo mes.
    (The elections are scheduled for next month.)

  2. La transparencia en los comicios es fundamental para la democracia.
    (Transparency in elections is fundamental for democracy.)

  3. Los comicios municipales resultaron en un cambio de gobierno.
    (The municipal elections resulted in a change of government.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "comicios" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it is often associated with various expressions around elections and voting in Spanish.

Example Sentences with Related Idiomatic Expressions

  1. El voto es un derecho que no debemos tomar a la ligera en los comicios.
    (The vote is a right that we should not take lightly in the elections.)

  2. Después de los comicios, se inició un periodo de impugnaciones.
    (After the elections, a period of challenges began.)

  3. La participación ciudadana es clave para el éxito de los comicios.
    (Citizen participation is key to the success of the elections.)

  4. Los comicios son una oportunidad para que los ciudadanos expresen su voz.
    (Elections are an opportunity for citizens to express their voices.)


The word "comicio" derives from the Latin term "comitium," which referred to a gathering place or assembly, particularly for voting. Over time, it evolved to represent the actual process of voting in various political contexts.



Overall, "comicios" is an essential term in the political vocabulary of Spanish-speaking countries, encapsulating the democratic process of elections and voting.
