comido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Comido" is a past participle in Spanish, derived from the verb "comer" (to eat). It can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription for "comido" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /koˈmi.ðo/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "comido" primarily refers to the state of having eaten or the action of eating being completed. It can be used in various contexts, often relating to food or dining experiences. The word is moderately frequent in both oral and written forms, but it may be more commonly used in writing, especially in formal contexts such as literature or cuisine descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. He comido en ese restaurante muchas veces.
    I have eaten at that restaurant many times.

  2. El postre que hemos comido fue delicioso.
    The dessert we have eaten was delicious.

  3. No puedo comer, ya que he comido demasiado en el almuerzo.
    I can't eat, since I have eaten too much at lunch.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comido" is part of some idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly those involving food or consumption. Here are a few expressions:

  1. A lo que se ha comido, no se le ve lo que ha costado.
    What one has eaten does not show what it has cost.
    (This expression means that the value of something is not always obvious.)

  2. Comer como un ave.
    To eat like a bird.
    (This idiom refers to someone who eats very little.)

  3. Comer de gorra.
    To eat for free.
    (This expression describes someone who eats without paying, often relying on others to treat them.)

  4. Comer más que un lobo.
    To eat more than a wolf.
    (Used to describe someone who eats a lot.)

  5. Comer la sopa boba.
    To eat the free soup.
    (This idiom refers to someone living off others' generosity.)

Additional Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Siempre come como un ave cuando está nervioso.
    He always eats like a bird when he is nervous.

  2. Ese amigo solo quiere comer de gorra en todas las fiestas.
    That friend just wants to eat for free at every party.

  3. Mi hermano come más que un lobo cada vez que va a un buffet.
    My brother eats more than a wolf every time he goes to a buffet.


The word "comido" is derived from the Latin verb "comedere," where "com-" means "with" or "altogether" and "edere" means "to eat." This reflects the idea of consuming food completely.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Alimentado (fed)
- Consumido (consumed)

- Desayunado (un-eaten breakfast)
- Incomido (not eaten, or untouched)
