comilona - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comilona (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "comilona" is a colloquial term in Spanish that refers to a large meal or feast where people gather to eat an abundant amount of food, typically in a celebratory context. It conveys a sense of indulgence and enjoyment related to food. The term is frequently used in everyday conversation, especially when discussing gatherings, celebrations, or events that involve food.

Example Sentences

  1. La comilona de cumpleaños fue un gran éxito.
    (The birthday feast was a great success.)

  2. Siempre hago una comilona de Acción de Gracias con mi familia.
    (I always hold a Thanksgiving feast with my family.)

  3. Nos invitaron a una comilona en su casa el sábado.
    (They invited us to a big meal at their house on Saturday.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "comilona" may not feature broadly as part of many idiomatic expressions, it is often used in phrases that celebrate feasts or highlight excess in dining. Here are a few contextual examples:

  1. Después de la comilona, todos estaban felices y satisfechos.
    (After the feast, everyone was happy and satisfied.)

  2. Hicimos una comilona para despedir el año.
    (We had a big meal to bid farewell to the year.)

  3. La comilona de Navidad era impresionante, con un banquete de platillos tradicionales.
    (The Christmas feast was impressive, with a banquet of traditional dishes.)

  4. Siempre que hay una comilona, la casa se llena de risas y alegría.
    (Whenever there's a big meal, the house fills with laughter and joy.)

  5. La comilona de fin de año es una tradición en nuestra familia.
    (The year-end feast is a tradition in our family.)


The word "comilona" is derived from the Spanish root "comer," which means "to eat," with the addition of the suffix "-ona," commonly used in Spanish to indicate abundance or emphasis. This construct implies "a lot of eating," and thus, it forms a term that denotes a large meal or a feast.

Synonyms and Antonyms
