"Comisionado" is a noun in Spanish.
In the Spanish language, "comisionado" refers to a person who is appointed to a specific commission or task, often in a governmental or organizational context. In law, it might refer to someone designated to oversee or manage a specific area or function. The word is relatively frequent in both oral and written language, although it might be more commonly encountered in formal contexts like reports or legal documents.
El comisionado de derechos humanos intervino en el caso.
The human rights commissioner intervened in the case.
El comisionado fue nombrado por el gobierno para supervisar la investigación.
The commissioner was appointed by the government to oversee the investigation.
Los comisionados se reunirán la próxima semana para discutir nuevas políticas.
The commissioners will meet next week to discuss new policies.
The word "comisionado" is not typically part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, in the context of governance and oversight, it can appear in phrases that highlight a role of authority or responsibility.
El comisionado tomó las riendas de la situación para asegurar el orden.
The commissioner took the reins of the situation to ensure order.
En su calidad de comisionado, debe responder ante el consejo.
In his capacity as commissioner, he must answer before the council.
El comisionado es la voz autorizada en esta materia.
The commissioner is the authoritative voice on this matter.
Como comisionado, tiene la difícil tarea de mediar en disputas.
As commissioner, he has the difficult task of mediating disputes.
The term "comisionado" comes from the Spanish word "comisión," which means "commission" or "task." The root "comisionar" refers to the act of appointing someone to carry out a specific function.