como en misa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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como en misa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "como en misa" consists of a prepositional phrase. "Como" functions as a conjunction, and "en misa" is a prepositional phrase where "en" is a preposition and "misa" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/kómo en 'misa/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "como en misa" is often used in Spanish to refer to a situation where something is done in an orderly, solemn, or almost ceremonial manner, similar to the tone and behavior observed during a religious mass. It can convey a sense of seriousness or the idea of following a specific structured conduct.

This phrase is commonly used in oral speech and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in conversational situations to describe behavior or actions that reflect a certain level of decorum.

Example Sentences

  1. "Hablamos en la reunión como en misa, con respeto y seriedad."
    "We spoke in the meeting like in mass, with respect and seriousness."

  2. "El evento se organizó como en misa, todo tenía su lugar y propósito."
    "The event was organized like in mass, everything had its place and purpose."

  3. "En su boda, los votos se intercambiaron como en misa."
    "At their wedding, the vows were exchanged like in mass."

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "como en misa" may not be prominently featured in many idiomatic expressions on its own, but it contributes to a few broader expressions that suggest formality or structured behavior.

  1. "Estar como en misa."
    "To be like in mass."
    This expression can refer to a person being very serious or solemn in demeanor, often in context where levity is more appropriate.

Example: "En la cena de gala, todos estaban como en misa."
"At the gala dinner, everyone was as serious as in mass."

  1. "Hablar como en misa."
    "To talk like in mass."
    This implies that someone is speaking in a formal, restrained manner, perhaps too seriously.

Example: "Su discurso fue tan rígido, que hablaba como en misa."
"His speech was so stiff, he spoke like in mass."

  1. "Comportarse como en misa."
    "To behave like in mass."
    Refers to maintaining a formal or decorous behavior, usually in a setting where the context does not require such severity.

Example: "En la biblioteca, todos deben comportarse como en misa."
"In the library, everyone must behave as if in mass."


The word "misa" comes from the Latin "missa," which was derived from the phrase "Ite, missa est," meaning "Go, it is sent." This phrase was part of the concluding rite of the Mass in the early Christian Church.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Ceremonial - Solemn - Formal

- Informal - Casual - Relaxed
