compacto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compacto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The Spanish word "compacto" means something that is closely packed together or dense. It can be used to describe physical objects that have little space between their components, making them solid and more durable. In the context of polytechnical and printing domains, it often refers to products, materials, or information that are efficiently condensed or organized.

"Compacto" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although its prevalence can vary based on specific technical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La impresora produce un texto compacto y claro.
  2. The printer produces a compact and clear text.

  3. Este disco duro es muy compacto, ideal para llevarlo de viaje.

  4. This hard drive is very compact, ideal for taking on trips.

  5. La nueva fórmula del detergente es más compacta y eficiente.

  6. The new detergent formula is more compact and efficient.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "compacto" itself may not be a core element in numerous idiomatic expressions, its use in various contexts often conveys the idea of efficiency and space-saving. Below are some example sentences in contexts that highlight its characteristics:

  1. Su mente es un verdadero compacto de ideas brillantes.
  2. His mind is a true compact of brilliant ideas.

  3. El presupuesto fue diseñado de manera compacto para cubrir todos los gastos.

  4. The budget was designed compactly to cover all expenses.

  5. Necesitamos un diseño compacto que ahorre espacio en la oficina.

  6. We need a compact design that saves space in the office.


The word "compacto" comes from the Latin "compactus," which means "pressed together" or "joined closely." The term retains a similar sense of being closely packed or consolidated across both languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - denso - compacto (as itself can describe the same concept)

Antonyms: - disperso (dispersed) - suelto (loose)
