compadecer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compadecer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ðeˈθeɾ/ (in Castilian Spanish)
/kum.pəˈdeɪ̯.θɛɹ/ (in Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Compadecer" is a verb that means to express sympathy or compassion for someone's suffering or misfortune. It can be used in contexts where one feels a sense of shared sorrow or pity for another person. The frequency of use is moderate, often appearing in both oral and written contexts, although it may be somewhat more prevalent in formal writing or literature.

Example Sentences

  1. No puedo evitar compadecer a aquellos que han perdido a sus seres queridos.
    I can't help but feel sorry for those who have lost their loved ones.

  2. Ella siempre compadece a los animales abandonados en la calle.
    She always sympathizes with the abandoned animals on the street.

  3. Al escuchar su historia, no pude sino compadecerlo.
    Hearing his story, I couldn't help but pity him.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Compadecer" is not as commonly found in idiomatic expressions as some other terms, but it can still be paired with certain phrases in Spanish that elaborate on feelings of compassion or sympathy. Here are some idiomatic expressions involving "compadecer":

  1. Compadecer de alguien
    To feel sorry for someone
  2. Ella se compadece de sus amigos que están pasando por momentos difíciles.
    She feels sorry for her friends who are going through tough times.

  3. No compadecer a nadie
    Not to feel sorry for anyone

  4. Él no compadece a nadie porque cree que todos deben enfrentar sus retos solos.
    He doesn't sympathize with anyone because he believes that everyone should face their challenges alone.

  5. Compadecerse de la situación
    To sympathize with the situation

  6. Es difícil no compadecerse de la situación económica del país.
    It’s hard not to sympathize with the economic situation of the country.


The word "compadecer" is derived from the Latin "compati," which breaks down into "com-" (with) and "pati" (to suffer). The prefix indicates a shared experience of suffering, leading to the meaning of expressing sympathy or sorrow for the pains of others.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Lamentar (to lament) - Sentir (to feel) - Padecer (to suffer)

Antonyms: - Desentenderse (to ignore) - Indiferencia (indifference) - Reírse (to laugh) (in the context of showing lack of sympathy)

This comprehensive overview should provide you with a detailed understanding of the word "compadecer" in the Spanish language.
