compaginar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compaginar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "compaginar" is primarily used to describe the process of arranging or organizing elements in a specific order, especially in the context of printed materials. It can refer to the physical act of arranging pages or to the metaphorical act of coordinating different elements of a project.

In Spanish, "compaginar" can be used in both oral and written contexts; however, its frequency is generally higher in written language due to its association with printing and publishing.

Example Sentences

  1. Para publicar su libro, tuvo que compaginar los capítulos de manera efectiva.
  2. To publish his book, he had to arrange the chapters effectively.

  3. El diseñador tuvo que compaginar los gráficos con el texto para la presentación.

  4. The designer had to collate the graphics with the text for the presentation.

  5. Es importante compaginar los documentos antes de imprimirlos.

  6. It is important to compile the documents before printing them.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "compaginar" may not be as frequently featured in idioms as some other verbs, it can still be found in phrases that reflect the idea of coordination and arrangement:

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Siempre es complicado compaginar el trabajo con la vida personal.
  2. It's always complicated to balance work with personal life.

  3. Necesito compaginar mis estudios y mi empleo para poder pagar la universidad.

  4. I need to arrange my studies and my job to be able to pay for university.

  5. A veces, es difícil compaginar las expectativas de los clientes con los recursos disponibles.

  6. Sometimes, it's difficult to align customers' expectations with available resources.


The term "compaginar" derives from the Latin "compaginare," which means "to fasten together." The root "pagin-" is related to "pagina," referring to "page," reflecting its connection to the arrangement of materials.

Synonyms and Antonyms


