comparecer - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comparecer (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (verb)

Phonetic Transcription

/ɾeˈθeɾ/ (in Spain)
/kom.paˈɾe.seɾ/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

  1. To appear
  2. To attend
  3. To show up

Meaning and Usage

The verb "comparecer" is typically used in legal contexts to refer to the act of appearing before a court or any formal setting, such as a hearing. It can also be used in a general context to mean attending or showing up for an appointment or event.

In Spanish, it can be employed both in oral and written contexts, but it tends to be more prevalent in formal written language, particularly legal documents or proceedings.

Example Sentences

  1. "El abogado debe comparecer ante el juez."
    "The lawyer must appear before the judge."

  2. "Es importante que todos los testigos comparezcan a la audiencia."
    "It is important that all witnesses attend the hearing."

  3. "Si no compareces a la cita, perderás tu turno."
    "If you do not show up for the appointment, you will lose your spot."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "comparecer" is not particularly rich in idiomatic expressions, it is frequently used in the legal lexicon. Here are a few relevant examples:

  1. "Comparacer en persona."
    "To appear in person."
    "El demandante debe comparacer en persona para presentar su caso."
    (The plaintiff must appear in person to present their case.)

  2. "Comparacer como testigo."
    "To appear as a witness."
    "Ella fue citada a comparacer como testigo en el juicio."
    (She was summoned to appear as a witness in the trial.)

  3. "Comparacer ante la corte."
    "To appear before the court."
    "El acusado debe comparacer ante la corte el próximo lunes."
    (The defendant must appear before the court next Monday.)

  4. "No comparecer a juicio."
    "Not to appear at trial."
    "El acusado decidió no comparecer a juicio, lo que podría complicar su defensa."
    (The defendant chose not to appear at trial, which could complicate his defense.)


The word "comparecer" comes from the Latin "comparēscere," which is composed of the prefix "com-" (with, together) and "parēscere," (to appear). The term has evolved and retained its legal implications through the centuries.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Asistir (to attend) - Presentarse (to present oneself)

- Desaparecer (to disappear) - Ignorar (to ignore)

This comprehensive overview of "comparecer" captures its various aspects and uses in the Spanish language, highlighting its significance in both legal and colloquial contexts.
