compareciente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compareciente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "compareciente" refers to an individual who appears or is present, particularly in legal contexts. It is commonly used to describe someone who has come before a court or legal authority to provide testimony or to take part in legal proceedings. In everyday language, "compareciente" can also refer to anyone formally appearing in another context, like a meeting or event.

The frequency of its use is primarily in written contexts, such as legal documents, contracts, and formal correspondence. It is less common in casual oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El compareciente presentó su declaración ante el juez.
  2. The party presented his statement before the judge.

  3. La compareciente fue citada para testificar en el juicio.

  4. The party was summoned to testify in the trial.

  5. Todos los comparecientes deben firmar el acta antes de salir.

  6. All the parties must sign the record before leaving.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "compareciente" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, its usage in legal contexts can be relevant in phrases describing legal responsibilities or obligations.

Example Sentences with Context

  1. Un compareciente puede ser clave para resolver el caso.
  2. A party can be key to solving the case.

  3. Los comparecientes en un juicio tienen derechos que deben ser respetados.

  4. The parties in a trial have rights that must be respected.

  5. El compareciente no pudo demostrar su inocencia.

  6. The party could not prove his innocence.


The word "compareciente" comes from the verb "comparecer," which means "to appear" or "to come forward." The suffix "-iente" indicates a person who performs or is associated with the action of the verb, denoting an individual who appears in a particular context.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "compareciente" is a significant term in legal parlance, denoting someone who appears in formal legal proceedings. Its usage is typically more common in formal writing than in conversation, but it is an essential term for understanding legal discussions and documents.
