compensador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compensador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "compensador" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Compensador" refers to a device or mechanism that compensates for something, often in the context of balancing forces or making adjustments in various fields such as physics, engineering, and military applications. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with frequent appearances in technical and academic discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El compensador en el circuito eléctrico ayuda a evitar fluctuaciones en la corriente.
  2. The compensator in the electrical circuit helps to avoid fluctuations in the current.

  3. En el diseño de aviones, el compensador es crucial para mantener el equilibrio del vuelo.

  4. In airplane design, the compensator is crucial for maintaining flight balance.

  5. El ingeniero instaló un compensador para ajustar el sistema de suspensión del vehículo.

  6. The engineer installed a compensator to adjust the vehicle's suspension system.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "compensador" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, the concept of compensation is prevalent. Here are some related idiomatic expressions:

  1. Compensar los esfuerzos
  2. Es importante compensar los esfuerzos de todos en el equipo.
  3. It is important to compensate for everyone's efforts in the team.

  4. Compensar el tiempo perdido

  5. Debemos compensar el tiempo perdido para finalizar el proyecto a tiempo.
  6. We need to make up for lost time to finish the project on time.

  7. No hay compensación suficiente

  8. En este trabajo, no hay compensación suficiente por el esfuerzo requerido.
  9. In this job, there is not enough compensation for the effort required.

  10. Compensar las diferencias

  11. La empresa busca compensar las diferencias entre los salarios de sus empleados.
  12. The company seeks to compensate for the differences in salaries among its employees.


The word "compensador" is derived from the verb "compensar," which comes from the Latin "compensare," meaning "to weigh one thing against another" or "to balance." The root "pensare" means "to weigh," which is found in various languages with a similar notion of balance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - equilibrador (equalizer) - ajustador (adjuster) - corrector (corrector)

Antonyms: - desequilibrador (disruptor) - inestabilizador (instabilizer)
