compensar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compensar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

The verb compensar is used to indicate the action of giving something in order to counterbalance or offset a negative effect or deficit. Its usage can be found across various contexts such as economics (compensating for losses), law (compensating for damages), and everyday conversation (making up for a mistake). In general, it is relatively frequent in both oral and written contexts, being especially common in discussions related to finances and legal matters.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos compensar las pérdidas del año pasado.
  2. We need to compensate for last year's losses.

  3. Su trabajo adicional ayudará a compensar el tiempo perdido.

  4. His additional work will help to make up for the lost time.

  5. El seguro debería compensar los daños causados por el accidente.

  6. The insurance should compensate for the damages caused by the accident.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word compensar is used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often related to balancing or making up for something.

  1. Compensar el daño.
  2. To compensate for the damage.
  3. Often used in legal contexts.

  4. Compensar con creces.

  5. To compensate more than enough.
  6. Indicates that something is more than sufficient to make up for a shortfall.

  7. Nada se compensa con la salud.

  8. Nothing compensates for health.
  9. Emphasizing the importance of health above all else.

  10. No hay compensación suficiente.

  11. There is no sufficient compensation.
  12. This can be used in job contexts referring to inadequate pay or benefits.

  13. El tiempo perdido no se compensa.

  14. Lost time cannot be compensated.
  15. Acknowledging that some losses cannot be made up.

  16. Compensar el esfuerzo.

  17. To compensate for the effort.
  18. Used often in work or project contexts.


The word compensar is derived from Latin compensare, which is composed of "com-" (together, with) and "pensare" (to weigh). Thus, it conveys the idea of weighing together or balancing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive information provides insights into the verb compensar, showcasing its usage, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic characteristics in the Spanish language.
