competidor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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competidor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "competidor" refers to a person or entity that competes against another in a given sphere, often in business, sports, or market contexts. In Spanish, it is frequently used to describe someone or something that strives for the same objectives, often leading to direct competition. The frequency of usage is quite common across both oral and written contexts, as it pertains to various fields, including economics and sports.

Example Sentences

  1. El competidor más fuerte siempre gana el campeonato.
  2. The strongest competitor always wins the championship.

  3. En el mercado, cada competidor intenta atraer más clientes.

  4. In the market, each competitor tries to attract more customers.

  5. Los competidores se preparan arduamente para la próxima carrera.

  6. The competitors are training hard for the next race.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "competidor" can appear in several idiomatic expressions that convey competitive spirit or rivalry. Here are a few examples:

  1. No hay peor competidor que uno mismo.
  2. There is no worse competitor than oneself.

  3. El competidor se quedó atrás.

  4. The competitor fell behind.

  5. Ser un competidor leal es esencial en los deportes.

  6. Being a loyal competitor is essential in sports.

  7. No subestimes a tu competidor.

  8. Don’t underestimate your competitor.

  9. El competidor directo acaba de lanzar un nuevo producto.

  10. The direct competitor just launched a new product.


The term "competidor" originates from the Latin word "competitor," which means "one who seeks together." The root of this word is "competere," meaning "to strive together" or "to meet," reflecting the essence of competition and striving for the same goals.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown encompasses various aspects of the word "competidor," providing a deeper understanding of its significance in the Spanish language.
