competir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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competir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "competir" means to engage in a contest or rivalry with others to achieve something. In Spanish, it is often used in contexts involving sports, business, and any situation where individuals or groups vie for the same goal or objective.

"Competir" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more frequently in spoken language, particularly in everyday conversation, sports commentary, and business discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los equipos van a competir en el torneo este fin de semana.
  2. The teams will compete in the tournament this weekend.

  3. Para poder competir efectivamente, necesitamos mejorar nuestros productos.

  4. In order to compete effectively, we need to improve our products.

  5. Ella siempre quiere competir con sus amigos en cada carrera.

  6. She always wants to compete with her friends in every race.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "competir" does not have many fixed idiomatic expressions, it is commonly used in phrases that convey the idea of rivalry or contest. Here are some examples that involve "competir":

  1. Competir a brazo partido.
  2. To compete fiercely / to fight tooth and nail.
  3. Ejemplo: En la final, ambos equipos compitieron a brazo partido por el trofeo.
  4. In the final, both teams competed fiercely for the trophy.

  5. Competir en el mismo nivel.

  6. To compete on the same level.
  7. Ejemplo: Para competir en el mismo nivel que las grandes empresas, necesitamos innovar constantemente.
  8. To compete on the same level as large companies, we need to innovate constantly.

  9. Competir por el primer lugar.

  10. To compete for first place.
  11. Ejemplo: Los atletas compiten por el primer lugar en los Juegos Olímpicos.
  12. The athletes compete for first place in the Olympic Games.


The word "competir" comes from the Latin verb "competere," which means "to strive together, to agree, or to be suitable." This Latin term is derived from "com-" meaning "together" and "petere," which means "to seek." Thus, the term carries the connotation of striving together in a contest or rivalry.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Overall, "competir" embodies the spirit of contest and striving, playing an essential role in various facets of life, from sports to business to academia.
