complaciente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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complaciente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/komplaˈθjente/ (in Spain)
/komplaˈsjente/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "complaciente" in Spanish describes a person who is willing to please others, often excessively so, or one who seeks to satisfy all requests with an agreeable attitude. It can have a positive connotation of being accommodating, but it might also carry a negative connotation of being overly agreeable or lacking in assertiveness.

In terms of frequency, “complaciente” is used both in written and oral contexts, though it might be more prevalent in formal settings or writings, particularly when discussing personality traits.

Example Sentences

  1. Juan es un amigo muy complaciente que siempre está dispuesto a ayudar.

    Juan is a very accommodating friend who is always willing to help.

  2. La actitud complaciente del cliente hizo que el servicio fuera mucho más fácil.

    The accommodating attitude of the customer made the service much easier.

  3. A veces, ser demasiado complaciente puede ser perjudicial para tus propios intereses.

    Sometimes, being too compliant can be harmful to your own interests.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "complaciente" is often involved in phrases that explore personality traits related to agreeability and compliance.

  1. Tener un carácter complaciente

    A veces tener un carácter complaciente puede llevarte a ignorar tus propias necesidades.
    Sometimes having a compliant nature can lead you to ignore your own needs.

  2. Ser complaciente con alguien

    No debes ser complaciente con alguien que no valora tu esfuerzo.
    You shouldn't be accommodating to someone who doesn't value your effort.

  3. Actuar de manera complaciente

    Al actuar de manera complaciente, ella dejó de expresar sus verdaderos sentimientos.
    By acting compliantly, she stopped expressing her true feelings.

  4. Dejarse llevar por la complacencia

    Dejarnos llevar por la complacencia puede hacernos perder oportunidades importantes.
    Allowing ourselves to be carried away by complacency can make us lose important opportunities.


The word "complaciente" originates from the Latin term "complacens," which means "pleasing" or "satisfying." This Latin term itself is derived from "complaceo," which means "to please together" (where "com-" implies together, and "placeo" translates as to please). The evolution of meaning has continued to reflect relationships and interactions focused on pleasing others.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Conformista (conformist) - Servicial (servile) - Agradable (pleasant)

Antonyms: - Intransigente (uncompromising) - Desagradable (unpleasant) - Rebelde (rebellious)
