complejidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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complejidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Complejidad" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kom.ple.xiˈðad/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Complejidad" refers to the quality or state of being complex or complicated. It is used in various contexts, particularly in scientific, mathematical, and economic discussions, to describe systems or concepts that are intricate and consist of many interconnected parts. In general use, it reflects the depth or difficulty of understanding something.

The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in academic, professional, and formal settings where detailed discourse about complex issues is required.

Example Sentences

  1. La complejidad del sistema económico es difícil de entender.
    (The complexity of the economic system is hard to understand.)

  2. La investigación reveló la complejidad de la biodiversidad en la región.
    (The research revealed the complexity of biodiversity in the region.)

  3. La complejidad del problema requiere una solución innovadora.
    (The complexity of the problem requires an innovative solution.)

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "complejidad" is not typically found in fixed idiomatic expressions. However, it often appears in discussions related to complexity theory or systems thinking. Here are some sentences demonstrating how it relates to other terms in various expressions:

  1. La complejidad del dilema nos obliga a pensar más allá de lo obvio.
    (The complexity of the dilemma forces us to think beyond the obvious.)

  2. En muchas áreas del conocimiento, la complejidad se vuelve una constante.
    (In many areas of knowledge, complexity becomes a constant.)

  3. La facilidad para resolver problemas depende de la complejidad de estos.
    (The ease of solving problems depends on their complexity.)

  4. Existen diferentes niveles de complejidad en los sistemas biológicos.
    (There are different levels of complexity in biological systems.)

  5. La complejidad de la trama de la novela atrajo a muchos lectores.
    (The complexity of the plot in the novel attracted many readers.)

  6. La complejidad de los algoritmos modernos es impresionante.
    (The complexity of modern algorithms is impressive.)


The word "complejidad" is derived from "complejo," which comes from Latin "complexus," meaning "wrapped together." The suffix "-idad" is used to form nouns that denote a quality or condition, relating to the attributes of being complex.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Complejidad - Dificultad - Intricacy

Antonyms: - Sencillez - Simplicidad - Claridad

This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "complejidad" in both written and oral contexts, its uses, and relevant expressions in Spanish.
