complementariedad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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complementariedad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "complementariedad" refers to the quality or state of being complementary. In economics, it often describes how different goods, services, or economic factors can work together to create a balanced and efficient economic system. It encompasses the idea that when certain elements are combined, they enhance each other's effectiveness.

"Complementariedad" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in academic and professional discussions regarding economics, market dynamics, and public policies.

Example Sentences

  1. La complementariedad entre los sectores agrícola e industrial es esencial para el crecimiento económico.
  2. The complementarity between the agricultural and industrial sectors is essential for economic growth.

  3. La complementariedad de las políticas fiscales y monetarias puede estabilizar la economía de un país.

  4. The complementarity of fiscal and monetary policies can stabilize a country's economy.

  5. En una economía globalizada, la complementariedad entre las naciones se vuelve cada vez más importante.

  6. In a globalized economy, the complementarity between nations becomes increasingly important.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Complementariedad" may not be a common part of many idiomatic expressions, but it is often used in discussions about synergies or partnerships in various contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. La complementariedad en el trabajo en equipo siempre lleva a resultados excepcionales.
  2. The complementarity in teamwork always leads to exceptional results.

  3. Para lograr una estrategia exitosa, es crucial entender la complementariedad entre los recursos disponibles.

  4. To achieve a successful strategy, it is crucial to understand the complementarity between the available resources.

  5. La complementariedad en las habilidades del personal puede marcar la diferencia en el rendimiento de una empresa.

  6. The complementarity in staff skills can make a difference in a company's performance.

  7. Encontrar la complementariedad entre diferentes áreas del conocimiento nos ayuda a innovar.

  8. Finding the complementarity between different areas of knowledge helps us to innovate.


The word "complementariedad" is derived from the Spanish noun "complemento," which itself comes from the Latin "complementum," meaning "something that completes." The suffix "-ariedad" is often used in Spanish to denote a quality or state related to the root noun.


