complemento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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complemento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word complemento refers to something that completes or goes well with something else. It is frequently used in various contexts, such as in grammar (to describe a word or group of words that completes the meaning of a verb), in nutrition (as in dietary supplements), and in law or business (to refer to additional components or provisions). The word "complemento" is more common in written contexts, especially in academic and professional texts, than in oral discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. El complemento de la frase ayuda a entender mejor el significado.
    The complement of the sentence helps to better understand the meaning.

  2. Este medicamento tiene un complemento que mejora su eficacia.
    This medication has a supplement that improves its effectiveness.

  3. En gramática, el complemento directo es esencial para la estructura de la oración.
    In grammar, the direct complement is essential for the structure of the sentence.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word complemento is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions but can be understood in various expressions where it holds a figurative meaning.

Example Sentences

  1. Un buen vino es el complemento perfecto para una cena exquisita.
    A good wine is the perfect complement for an exquisite dinner.

  2. Este libro es el complemento ideal para tu estudio sobre la historia.
    This book is the ideal complement for your studies on history.

  3. El deporte puede ser un buen complemento a una vida saludable.
    Exercise can be a good complement to a healthy lifestyle.

  4. Asegúrate de que tu presentación tenga todos los complementos necesarios.
    Make sure your presentation has all the necessary complements.


The term complemento originates from the Latin word complementum, which means "that which completes." It is derived from the verb complēre, which means "to fill up" or "to complete." Over time, it adopted the connotation of something that adds to or finishes an object or concept.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the word complemento, its usage, and its context within the Spanish language.
