completamente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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completamente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Completamente" is an adverb used in the Spanish language to denote the idea of wholeness or entirety. It often emphasizes that something is done in full, without omission or part, and is common in both spoken and written contexts. The frequency of use is high, given its applicability in various situations, from everyday conversations to formal writings.

Example Sentences

  1. La tarea está completamente terminada.
    The homework is completely finished.

  2. Ella confía completamente en sus habilidades.
    She completely trusts her abilities.

  3. El documento fue revisado completamente antes de enviarlo.
    The document was completely reviewed before sending it.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "completamente" is a straightforward adverb, it can sometimes be used in idiomatic expressions or phrases that imply full involvement or extent. Below are examples that showcase its usage in idiomatic expressions, emphasizing aspects of completeness.

  1. Estar completamente fuera de lugar
    To be completely out of place
    Ejemplo: La decoración de la casa estaba completamente fuera de lugar para la ocasión.
    The decoration of the house was completely out of place for the occasion.

  2. Sentirse completamente perdido
    To feel completely lost
    Ejemplo: Después de mudarse a una nueva ciudad, se sintió completamente perdido.
    After moving to a new city, he felt completely lost.

  3. Estar completamente de acuerdo
    To be completely in agreement
    Ejemplo: Estoy completamente de acuerdo con la decisión del equipo.
    I completely agree with the team's decision.

  4. Estar completamente satisfecho
    To be completely satisfied
    Ejemplo: El cliente estaba completamente satisfecho con el servicio.
    The customer was completely satisfied with the service.


The word "completamente" derives from the Latin "completus," which means "filled up" or "made full," combined with the adverbial suffix "-mente," which is used to form adverbs from adjectives in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Totalmente (totally) - Enteramente (entirely) - Plenamente (fully)

Antonyms: - Parcialmente (partially) - Incompletamente (incompletely) - Desigualmente (unequally)

In summary, "completamente" is a versatile adverb with rich usage in the Spanish language, affirming totality or fullness in various contexts, both conversational and formal.
