complicado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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complicado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "complicado" is used to refer to something that is intricate, difficult to understand or achieve, or involves many interconnected elements that create a challenge. It can describe tasks, situations, or relationships. The frequency of use is fairly high in both oral and written contexts, often found in discussions about problems, processes, or emotional states.

Example Sentences

  1. La situación es muy complicada y necesitamos ayuda.
  2. The situation is very complicated and we need help.

  3. Resolver este problema es más complicado de lo que parece.

  4. Solving this problem is more complicated than it seems.

  5. Sus sentimientos hacia ella son complicados.

  6. His feelings towards her are complicated.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Complicado" is often used in various idiomatic contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. No todo lo complicado es malo.
  2. Not everything complicated is bad.

  3. Es un asunto complicado que requiere atención.

  4. It's a complicated matter that requires attention.

  5. A veces lo simple se vuelve complicado.

  6. Sometimes the simple becomes complicated.

  7. No hay necesidad de complicar las cosas.

  8. There's no need to complicate things.

  9. Hacerlo así lo complica aún más.

  10. Doing it this way complicates it even more.


The word "complicado" comes from the Latin term "complicatus," which is the past participle of "complicare," meaning "to fold together or intertwine." The prefix "com-" suggests togetherness or mutual involvement, while "plicare" means to fold. This etymology reflects the word's current meaning related to intertwining complexities.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Complejo - Difícil - Intrincado

Antonyms: - Sencillo - Fácil - Claro
