comportar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comportar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "comportar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "comportar" is /kom.poɾˈtaɾ/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Comportar" means to behave or to conduct oneself in a certain manner. It can also refer to the idea of "carrying" something in terms of consequences or implications. The word is not particularly archaic in modern usage and can be found in both spoken and written contexts, though it is slightly more common in written forms such as literature or formal documents.

Frequency of Use

"Comportar" is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts in Spanish. It is frequently employed in discussions about behavior, ethics, and consequences of actions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los alumnos deben comportar adecuadamente durante la clase.
    (Students should behave appropriately during class.)

  2. Es importante comportar con respeto hacia los demás.
    (It is important to comport oneself with respect towards others.)

  3. Las decisiones que tomamos comportan consecuencias significativas.
    (The decisions we make carry significant consequences.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "comportar" itself is not part of many idiomatic expressions, it can often be used in various sayings that discuss behavior and consequence. Here are a few expression-related sentences:

  1. Comportar con dignidad es una muestra de madurez.
    (Behaving with dignity is a sign of maturity.)

  2. Comportar con paciencia en tiempos difíciles es esencial.
    (To comport oneself with patience in difficult times is essential.)

  3. Comportar bien en la sociedad es crucial para el progreso.
    (Behaving well in society is crucial for progress.)


The verb "comportar" comes from the Latin "comportare," which means "to carry together" or "to bear." The prefix "com-" indicates a sense of togetherness or joint action, while the root "portare" means "to carry."

Synonyms and Antonyms
