comportarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comportarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (intransitive)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use in Spanish

"Comportarse" is a reflexive verb in Spanish that means "to behave" or "to conduct oneself." It is commonly used to refer to an individual's actions or demeanor, particularly in social contexts. The word is frequently used in both oral and written Spanish, but it may be more prevalent in educational or formal settings when discussing proper behavior.

Frequency of Use

"Comportarse" is a relatively common verb used in various contexts, especially in discussions about manners, etiquette, and professional conduct. It is used in both spoken and written forms, with frequent application in parenting, education, and legal contexts regarding conduct.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante comportarse adecuadamente en la reunión.
  2. It is important to behave appropriately in the meeting.

  3. Los niños deben aprender a comportarse en público.

  4. Children must learn to behave in public.

  5. Si quieres que te respeten, debes comportarte con dignidad.

  6. If you want to be respected, you must conduct yourself with dignity.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comportarse" features in several idiomatic expressions that emphasize behavior or actions in various contexts.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Comportarse como un caballero
  2. Signifies acting in a courteous and honorable manner.
  3. Espera que se comporte como un caballero en la cena.
  4. He expects to behave like a gentleman at dinner.

  5. Comportarse de manera ejemplar

  6. Implies acting as a role model.
  7. El estudiante se comportó de manera ejemplar durante la excursión.
  8. The student behaved exemplary during the field trip.

  9. Comportarse mal

  10. Means to misbehave or act badly.
  11. Si sigues comportándote mal, no podrás salir a jugar.
  12. If you keep misbehaving, you won’t be able to go out to play.

  13. Comportarse como un niño

  14. Refers to acting immaturely or childishly.
  15. No puedes comportarte como un niño en el trabajo.
  16. You cannot behave like a child at work.

  17. Comportarse en función de

  18. Indicates behaving according to a particular situation or context.
  19. Debemos comportarnos en función de las circunstancias.
  20. We must behave according to the circumstances.


The verb "comportarse" comes from the Latin "comportare," which means "to carry together" or "to bring together." The prefix "com-" indicates togetherness, and "portare" relates to carrying or bearing. Over time, the meaning evolved to focus on one's manner of carrying oneself or behaving in society.


