compostura - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compostura (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Compostura is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, compostura refers primarily to the act of repairing or fixing something (usually in a physical or mechanical context). It can also mean maintaining one's composure, decency, or correct behavior. The word is used in both oral and written contexts but tends to appear more frequently in written communication, especially in formal or literary texts.

Example Sentences

  1. La compostura de la chaqueta era necesaria después de la fiesta.
    The repair of the jacket was necessary after the party.

  2. Ella siempre mantiene la compostura en situaciones difíciles.
    She always maintains her composure in difficult situations.

  3. El artista trabaja en la compostura de la escultura dañada.
    The artist is working on the repair of the damaged sculpture.

Idiomatic Expressions

Compostura is less frequently found in idiomatic expressions, but it does appear in a couple of phrases reflecting dignity and propriety.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Perder la compostura ante el público es muy difícil.
    Losing composure in front of the audience is very difficult.

  2. A pesar de los problemas, ella nunca pierde la compostura.
    Despite the problems, she never loses her composure.

  3. Es importante mantener la compostura en situaciones de estrés.
    It is important to maintain composure in stressful situations.

  4. Su compostura durante la presentación sorprendió a todos.
    His composure during the presentation surprised everyone.


The word compostura comes from the Latin term componere, which means "to put together." Over time, it evolved to encompass notions of putting things in order, repairing, and maintaining behavior.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Reparación (repair) - Arreglo (fix) - Decoro (decorum) - Compostura (composure)

Antonyms: - Desarreglar (to disarrange) - Descomponer (to decompose) - Indecencia (indecency)

In everyday use, compostura can vary widely based on context, from discussing physical repairs to addressing personal demeanor and social behavior.
