comprensible - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprensible (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "comprensible" in Spanish refers to something that can be understood or grasped easily. It is commonly used to describe texts, speeches, explanations, or any form of communication that is clear and easy to follow.

Frequency of Use

"Comprensible" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though you might find it more often in written academic or literary texts, where clarity and accessibility are critical.

Example Sentences

  1. La explicación del profesor fue muy comprensible y todos los estudiantes entendieron el tema.
    The professor's explanation was very understandable, and all the students grasped the topic.

  2. Es importante que la información sea comprensible para el público en general.
    It is important that the information is comprehensible to the general public.

  3. El libro está escrito de una manera comprensible, lo que facilita su lectura.
    The book is written in a comprehensible way, which makes it easy to read.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "comprensible" itself may not be featured prominently in many idiomatic expressions, its root "comprender" (to understand) does give rise to a few phrases in Spanish that often highlight comprehension or understanding. Here are a few related expressions:

  1. No puedo comprender cómo lo hizo.
    I can't understand how he did it.

  2. Es fácil de comprender.
    It is easy to understand.

  3. Comprendo perfectamente tu punto de vista.
    I perfectly understand your point of view.

  4. Te lo explicaré de una manera que sea comprensible.
    I will explain it to you in a way that is understandable.

  5. Su comportamiento es difícil de comprender.
    His behavior is difficult to understand.


The word "comprensible" derives from the Latin "comprehensibilis," which is a combination of "comprehendere," meaning "to seize, grasp, or understand." The prefix "com-" suggests "together" or "with," and "prehendere" means "to grasp."

Synonyms and Antonyms


