comprensivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprensivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "comprensivo" is an adjective that describes a person who is able to understand or empathize with others' situations or feelings. It is often used to characterize someone's nature in personal relationships or educational contexts, highlighting their ability to be supportive and considerate.

In general usage, "comprensivo" can refer to: 1. An individual who is understanding or sympathetic. 2. An explanation or document that is thorough and addresses all necessary points (when used in a broader context).

It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more prominent in written discussions, especially relating to emotional intelligence or academic discourse.

Frequency of Use

"Comprensivo" is commonly used in everyday conversation, particularly when discussing relationships, education, and professional environments that require empathy and understanding.

Example Sentences

  1. El profesor es muy comprensivo con los estudiantes que tienen dificultades.
  2. The teacher is very understanding with students who are struggling.

  3. Es una persona comprensiva, siempre escucha mis problemas con atención.

  4. She is a comprehending person; she always listens to my problems attentively.

  5. Necesitamos un enfoque más comprensivo para abordar los problemas sociales.

  6. We need a more comprehensive approach to address social issues.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comprensivo" is integral in several idiomatic expressions that reflect understanding and empathy. Below are a few examples:

  1. Ser comprensivo - To be understanding
  2. Tienes que ser comprensivo con sus sentimientos, está pasando por un momento difícil.
  3. You have to be understanding of her feelings; she is going through a tough time.

  4. Mostrar comprensión - To show understanding

  5. Es fundamental mostrar comprensión ante las quejas de los clientes.
  6. It is essential to show understanding towards customer complaints.

  7. Tener una actitud comprensiva - To have an understanding attitude

  8. En el equipo, todos deben tener una actitud comprensiva para trabajar bien juntos.
  9. In the team, everyone must have an understanding attitude to work well together.

  10. Comprensivo como un amigo - Understanding like a friend

  11. Necesitaba a alguien comprensivo como un amigo cuando tomé esa difícil decisión.
  12. I needed someone understanding like a friend when I made that difficult decision.

  13. Actuar de manera comprensiva - To act in an understanding manner

  14. Al tratar con los niños, hay que actuar de manera comprensiva para que se sientan seguros.
  15. When dealing with children, one must act in an understanding manner so they feel safe.


The term "comprensivo" originates from the Spanish verb "comprender," which means "to understand." The prefix "com-" suggests a sense of togetherness or completeness, while the root "-prens-" derives from Latin "prehendere," which means "to grasp." Thus, it signifies the ability to grasp or understand ideas and emotions fully.

Synonyms and Antonyms


