comprimido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprimido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Comprimido" is a noun in Spanish, but it can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "comprimido" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kom.pɾiˈmiðo/.

Translation Options into English

The term "comprimido" can be translated into English as: 1. Compressed (adjective) 2. Pill, tablet (noun)

Meaning and Usage

In the general context, "comprimido" as a noun typically refers to a solid dosage form of medication, such as a tablet or pill. In the medical domain, it usually means a compressed substance meant for oral consumption.

In its adjective form, "comprimido" describes something that has been compressed or reduced in size or volume.

The frequency of usage is relatively high in both oral and written forms, especially in medical contexts when discussing medication.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico me recetó un comprimido para el dolor.
  2. The doctor prescribed me a pill for the pain.

  3. Este comprimido se debe tomar con agua.

  4. This tablet should be taken with water.

  5. El aire comprimido se usa en muchas herramientas.

  6. Compressed air is used in many tools.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "comprimido" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, but here are a few phrases and contexts it might appear in:

  1. Estar con un comprimido en la cabeza (colloquial)
  2. To have a lot on one's mind.
  3. Translation: I feel like I have a pill in my head because I'm overwhelmed with tasks.
    (Siento que tengo un comprimido en la cabeza porque estoy abrumado con tareas.)

  4. Comprimido en el tiempo

  5. Compressed in time (to do something within a limited time frame).
  6. Translation: We have to work efficiently; our schedule is very compressed in time.
    (Tenemos que trabajar eficientemente; nuestro horario está muy comprimido en el tiempo.)

  7. Sentirse comprimido por la presión

  8. To feel compressed by the pressure.
  9. Translation: She feels compressed by the pressure of her job.
    (Ella se siente comprimida por la presión de su trabajo.)


The word "comprimido" originates from the Latin "comprīmisus," the past participle of "comprīmere," which means "to press together." The root words break down into "com-" (together) and "premere" (to press).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pastilla (pill) - Tableta (tablet) - Capsula (capsule) in certain contexts

Antonyms: - Expansivo (expansive) when used in the context of something that has not been compressed.
