comprimir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprimir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Comprimir" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Comprimir" refers to the action of pressing something to reduce its size, volume, or space it occupies. It is often used in both general and technical contexts, such as data compression in computing or physical compression of materials. It can also imply condensing information or content.

The frequency of use is relatively high, especially in technical and mathematical contexts, and the term is found in both oral and written forms; however, it might be more prevalent in written contexts related to computing or engineering.

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario comprimir los archivos antes de enviarlos por correo electrónico.
  2. It is necessary to compress the files before sending them by email.

  3. El ingeniero explicó cómo comprimir el gas en el sistema.

  4. The engineer explained how to compress the gas in the system.

  5. Al leer la novela, me di cuenta que podía comprimir el resumen a solo una página.

  6. While reading the novel, I realized I could condense the summary to just one page.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Comprimir"

In Spanish, "comprimir" may not be featured in many idiomatic expressions, but it is used in contexts where compression is metaphorically addressed, often in discussions about time, information, or resources. Here are a few examples:

  1. Comprimir el tiempo.
  2. Es difícil comprimir el tiempo para aprender tanto en tan poco.
  3. It is difficult to compress time to learn so much in such a little amount.

  4. Comprimir un mensaje.

  5. Es importante comprimir el mensaje para que sea más efectivo.
  6. It is important to condense the message for it to be more effective.

  7. Comprimir ideas.

  8. Debemos aprender a comprimir ideas complejas en pocas palabras.
  9. We must learn to condense complex ideas into few words.

  10. Comprimir información.

  11. El libro se centra en cómo comprimir información sin perder el contenido vital.
  12. The book focuses on how to compress information without losing vital content.


The verb "comprimir" comes from the Latin "comprimere," which combines "com-" (together) and "premere" (to press).

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides a detailed understanding of "comprimir" in various contexts and its applications in the Spanish language.
