comprobante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprobante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (masculine)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

The word "comprobante" refers to a document that serves as evidence of a transaction, specifically in financial contexts. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in legal and commercial situations. In Spain and Latin America, the frequency of use is high due to the importance of documentation in business and legal transactions. Both individual consumers and companies utilize comprobantes to verify payments, purchases, and other financial dealings.

Example Sentences

  1. "Cuando paga la factura, debe pedir un comprobante."
    "When you pay the invoice, you should request a receipt."

  2. "El comprobante de pago es necesario para la declaración de impuestos."
    "The proof of payment is necessary for the tax declaration."

  3. "Sin el comprobante, no podemos procesar su devolución."
    "Without the voucher, we cannot process your refund."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comprobante" is often used in idiomatic expressions related to proof and verification within financial, legal, and bureaucratic contexts. Here are a few expressions and example sentences:

  1. Comprobante de domicilio
    "Necesito un comprobante de domicilio para abrir la cuenta bancaria."
    "I need a proof of residence to open the bank account."

  2. Comprobante de pago
    "Siempre guardo mi comprobante de pago en caso de que surjan problemas."
    "I always keep my proof of payment in case problems arise."

  3. Comprobante de retención
    "El comprobante de retención se entrega al final del año fiscal."
    "The withholding voucher is provided at the end of the fiscal year."

  4. Comprobante fiscal
    "Un comprobante fiscal es fundamental para las auditorías."
    "A fiscal receipt is essential for audits."

  5. Presentar un comprobante
    "Tienes que presentar un comprobante para recibir el reembolso."
    "You must provide a proof to receive the refund."


The term "comprobante" derives from the verb "comprobar," which means "to verify" or "to confirm." The construction of the word combines the prefix "com-" (with, together) and "prueba" (test, proof). Its origins can be traced back to Latin, particularly from "comprobatio," which shares a similar meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Recibo (receipt) - Justificante (justification, proof) - BOleta (receipt, ticket)

Antonyms: - Desprueba (disproof) - Negación (denial)

In summary, "comprobante" is a versatile term that plays a crucial role in various domains including law and finance, serving as a fundamental element in validating transactions and maintaining accountability.
