comprobar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprobar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Comprobar" means to check, verify, or confirm something. In Spanish, it is commonly used in contexts where there is a need for confirmation of facts, correctness, or existing conditions. "Comprobar" is frequently used both in spoken and written Spanish, although it may have a slight preference in written contexts, especially in formal or legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante comprobar los datos antes de enviar el informe.
    It's important to check the data before sending the report.

  2. Voy a comprobar si mi información es correcta.
    I am going to verify if my information is correct.

  3. El juez necesita comprobar las pruebas presentadas por la defensa.
    The judge needs to verify the evidence presented by the defense.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comprobar" is often used in various idiomatic expressions:

  1. Comprobar la eficacia
  2. Es necesario comprobar la eficacia del nuevo medicamento.
    It is necessary to verify the effectiveness of the new medication.

  3. Comprobar las credenciales

  4. Antes de contratar, debemos comprobar las credenciales del candidato.
    Before hiring, we must check the candidate's credentials.

  5. Comprobar los antecedentes

  6. La policía necesita comprobar los antecedentes del sospechoso.
    The police need to check the suspect's background.

  7. Comprobar si hay fallos

  8. El ingeniero debe comprobar si hay fallos en el sistema.
    The engineer must verify if there are faults in the system.

  9. Comprobar la autenticidad

  10. Es importante comprobar la autenticidad del documento.
    It is important to verify the authenticity of the document.


The word "comprobar" comes from the Latin "comprobāre," where "com-" means "with" and "probāre" means "to test" or "to prove." The components suggest the act of proving something with certainty or confirming its truth.



This comprehensive look into "comprobar" illustrates its versatility and importance in both general conversation and professional contexts.
