comprometerse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprometerse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "comprometerse" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Comprometerse" is used in the Spanish language to refer to the action of making a commitment or promise to oneself or to another party. It often implies a serious obligation or engagement. The term is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, appearing frequently in discussions about personal promises, relationships, legal agreements, and social obligations.

The frequency of its use is quite high in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in legal and social discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Me voy a comprometer a ayudar en el evento.
  2. I am going to commit to helping at the event.

  3. Ellos decidieron comprometerse el próximo año.

  4. They decided to get engaged next year.

  5. Es importante comprometerse con la causa que apoyamos.

  6. It is important to commit to the cause we support.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Comprometerse" is a key part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Comprometerse a hacer algo
  2. Sentence: Ella se comprometió a estudiar todos los días.

    • She committed to studying every day.
  3. Comprometerse en una relación

  4. Sentence: Necesitamos comprometernos en esta relación para que funcione.

    • We need to commit in this relationship for it to work.
  5. Comprometerse con una causa

  6. Sentence: Este grupo se compromete con la lucha por los derechos humanos.

    • This group commits to the fight for human rights.
  7. Comprometerse frente a un reto

  8. Sentence: Todos deben comprometerse frente al reto que se presenta.

    • Everyone must commit when faced with the challenge presented.
  9. Comprometerse a nivel profesional

  10. Sentence: Los empleados deben comprometerse a nivel profesional para lograr el éxito.
    • Employees must commit at a professional level to achieve success.


The term "comprometerse" comes from the prefix "com-" (which means together or with) and the root word "prometer" (to promise), which is derived from the Latin "promittere," meaning to send forth or to promise.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Comprometirse - Prometerse (to promise oneself)

Antonyms: - Desentenderse (to disengage) - Descomprometerse (to release from a commitment)
