comprometido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprometido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Comprometido is an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Comprometido primarily means "committed" or "engaged," implying a sense of dedication to a cause, obligation, or duty. It can also suggest a state of being compromised in certain contexts, particularly when referring to situations that involve risk or exposure.

In the Spanish language, comprometido is commonly used both in spoken and written contexts, but it appears more frequently in formal discourses, such as political, social, or personal commitment topics.

Example Sentences

  1. Juan está comprometido con su trabajo y siempre entrega sus proyectos a tiempo.
    (Juan is committed to his work and always submits his projects on time.)

  2. La organización está comprometida con la protección del medio ambiente.
    (The organization is committed to protecting the environment.)

  3. El acuerdo dejó a la empresa comprometida con sus socios a largo plazo.
    (The agreement left the company committed to its partners in the long term.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Comprometido is often found in several idiomatic expressions, reflecting social, political, and personal contexts.

  1. Estar comprometido con algo
    (To be committed to something)
  2. La joven está comprometida con la educación de su comunidad.
    (The young woman is committed to the education of her community.)

  3. En un compromiso complicado
    (In a complicated commitment)

  4. Se encontró en un compromiso complicado entre su trabajo y su familia.
    (He found himself in a complicated commitment between his work and his family.)

  5. Comprometido a fondo
    (Fully committed)

  6. El equipo está comprometido a fondo con el éxito del proyecto.
    (The team is fully committed to the success of the project.)

  7. Comprometido con la verdad
    (Committed to the truth)

  8. Un periodista debe estar comprometido con la verdad para informar adecuadamente.
    (A journalist must be committed to the truth in order to inform properly.)

  9. Hacer un compromiso
    (To make a commitment)

  10. Decidió hacer un compromiso con su salud y comenzar a ejercitarse.
    (He decided to make a commitment to his health and start exercising.)


The word comprometido comes from the past participle of the verb comprometer, which is derived from the Latin compromittere, where com- means "together" and promittere means "to promise." Thus, it carries connotations of making a promise or commitment in a collective sense.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Dedicado (dedicated) - Entregado (devoted) - Obligado (obligated)

Antonyms: - Indiferente (indifferent) - Desinteresado (uninterested) - Descomprometido (uncommitted)
