comprueba - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comprueba (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "comprueba" is a verb in the third person singular form of the present indicative tense, derived from the verb "comprobar," which means "to verify" or "to check."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Comprueba" means to verify, check, or confirm something. It is used when someone is asked to assess or validate information, objects, or procedures. The verb is commonly used in both written and spoken Spanish, especially in formal or instructional contexts. The frequency of use is moderate, appearing often in technical manuals, reports, and everyday instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. "Por favor, comprueba los datos antes de enviar el informe."
    "Please check the data before submitting the report."

  2. "Ella siempre comprueba su trabajo antes de entregarlo."
    "She always verifies her work before handing it in."

  3. "Comprueba si la impresora está encendida antes de comenzar a imprimir."
    "Check if the printer is on before starting to print."

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "comprobar" can be part of several idiomatic expressions, although it may not have as many idioms as some more common verbs. However, it often appears in phrases regarding verification and assurance.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Tienes que comprobar con tus propios ojos, no solo confiar en lo que dicen."
    "You have to verify with your own eyes, not just trust what they say."

  2. "Comprobar el terreno antes de una compra es fundamental."
    "Checking the ground before a purchase is essential."

  3. "No olvides comprobar el saldo de tu cuenta bancaria."
    "Don't forget to check your bank account balance."

  4. "Su trabajo era comprobar la calidad de los productos antes de enviarlos."
    "His job was to verify the quality of the products before shipping them."


The verb "comprobar" comes from the Latin "comprobāre," which combines the prefix "com-" (meaning "with" or "together") and "probāre," (meaning "to test" or "to prove"). This gives the sense of "to prove with" or "to confirm."

Synonyms and Antonyms



In general, it is important to remember that "comprueba" is a term heavily linked with confirmation and validation processes, hence its relevance in various domains, including printing, where accurate checks are crucial.
