compuerta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compuerta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "compuerta" is a noun (sustantivo) in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "compuerta" refers to a mechanical or hydraulic gate used to control the flow of water in rivers, canals, and various engineering structures. In military contexts, it can also denote a hatch or access point in vehicles or facilities.

In general usage, "compuerta" is applied frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to civil engineering, hydraulics, environmental science, and also in military scenarios involving vehicles or installations. Its frequency is moderately high in technical literature and discussions, and it might be less common in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La compuerta del río se cerró para evitar inundaciones.
  2. The sluice gate of the river was closed to prevent flooding.

  3. Es importante revisar la compuerta del barco antes de zarpar.

  4. It is important to check the hatch of the boat before setting sail.

  5. La compuerta de la presa permite controlar el nivel del agua.

  6. The gate of the dam allows control over the water level.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Compuerta" is not typically a part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish, but there are some phrases that may use related concepts of gates or barriers symbolically.

Example Sentences with Related Concepts

  1. Abrir la compuerta de emociones puede ser liberador.
  2. Opening the floodgate of emotions can be liberating.

  3. La compuerta del entendimiento se cierra cuando no se escucha al otro.

  4. The gate of understanding closes when one does not listen to the other.

  5. La compuerta de oportunidades se abre cuando se adapta uno a los cambios.

  6. The floodgate of opportunities opens when one adapts to changes.


The term "compuerta" derives from the Latin word "comportare," which means to carry together or to bring. The prefix "com-" implies "together," and "puerta" comes from "portae," meaning gate. The evolution of the term reflects its utility in controlling access or flow in different contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Puerta (door) - Tapa (lid) - Trampa (trapdoor)

Antonyms: - Apertura (opening) - Salida (exit) - Vaciado (emptying)

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the word "compuerta," its usage in various contexts, idiomatic expressions, and its linguistic background.
