compuesta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compuesta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "compuesta" relates to something that is made up of various elements or parts; it can describe both physical compositions and abstract constructs. In medicine, it often refers to mixtures or compounds used in treatments or formulations.

"Compuesta" may be used more frequently in written contexts such as medical reports, academic articles, or documentation. However, it can also be found in oral contexts, particularly in discussions about chemistry or pharmaceuticals.

Example Sentences

  1. La solución fue compuesta por diferentes ingredientes para aliviar el dolor.
  2. The solution was composed of different ingredients to relieve pain.

  3. La medicina compuesta puede ser más efectiva que una sola sustancia activa.

  4. The compound medicine may be more effective than a single active substance.

  5. En química, una sustancia compuesta está formada por más de un tipo de elemento.

  6. In chemistry, a compound substance is made up of more than one type of element.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "compuesta" is less commonly found in idiomatic expressions; however, it can be included in some phrases related to composition or combination.

  1. Estar compuesta de múltiples elementos para ser eficaz.
  2. To be composed of multiple elements to be effective.

  3. Una mente compuesta es capaz de ver el cuadro completo.

  4. A composed mind is able to see the whole picture.

  5. Las decisiones compuestas requieren análisis cuidadoso y deliberación.

  6. Compound decisions require careful analysis and deliberation.


The word "compuesta" comes from the Latin "compositus," which means "put together" or "arranged." The prefix "com-" means "together," and "positus" comes from "ponere," meaning "to place."

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "compuesta" is primarily understood within the context of composition and mixture within the realm of medicine, reflecting both its linguistic roots and application in various fields.
