compulsivo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compulsivo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term compulsivo is used in both medical and psychological contexts to describe behaviors or actions that are performed repetitively and uncontrollably, usually against one's conscious wishes. In legal contexts, it might describe acts committed under compulsion or mental illness, which can affect assessments of culpability.

In Spanish, it is commonly used in both oral and written discourse, often in psychological assessments or discussions about behavioral disorders. The frequency of use is relatively high in medical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La persona con trastorno compulsivo necesita terapia para controlar sus síntomas.
    The person with obsessive-compulsive disorder needs therapy to manage their symptoms.

  2. Las compras compulsivas pueden llevar a problemas financieros serios.
    Compulsive shopping can lead to serious financial problems.

  3. A veces, el comportamiento compulsivo puede estar relacionado con la ansiedad.
    Sometimes, compulsive behavior can be related to anxiety.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Compulsivo"

Although "compulsivo" is not overly frequent in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases that highlight obsessive or uncontrollable behavior.

  1. Comprar compulsivamente - La gente que compra compulsivamente a menudo no se da cuenta de los problemas que causa.
    People who shop compulsively often do not realize the problems it causes.

  2. Comportamiento compulsivo - El comportamiento compulsivo puede ser un signo de una enfermedad mental subyacente.
    Compulsive behavior can be a sign of an underlying mental illness.

  3. Escribir compulsivamente - Él tiende a escribir compulsivamente, especialmente cuando está estresado.
    He tends to write compulsively, especially when he is stressed.


The word compulsivo comes from the Latin compulsivus, which is derived from compellere, meaning "to drive together, urge, force." The notion implies a sense of being driven by an inner force to act in a certain way.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, compulsivo is a versatile word in Spanish, particularly relevant in medical, psychological, and legal settings, and it conveys the sense of urgency or force behind certain behaviors and actions.
