compungido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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compungido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "compungido" refers to a state of feeling sad, remorseful, or regretful. It is often used to describe someone who is visibly affected by sorrow or guilt. The frequency of use is moderate, often appearing in both written and oral contexts, but it may be more prevalent in literature, formal speech, or when discussing emotional states.

Example Sentences

  1. Después de la discusión, Juan se veía compungido y no quería hablar con nadie.
    After the argument, Juan looked regretful and did not want to talk to anyone.

  2. La noticia de la tragedia dejó a todos compungidos.
    The news of the tragedy left everyone saddened.

  3. Ella se sintió compungida por las palabras hirientes que había dicho.
    She felt penitent for the hurtful words she had spoken.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "compungido" is somewhat specific in meaning, it can appear in phrases and idiomatic expressions related to feelings of sadness or regret.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar con el corazón compungido
  2. Me quedó con el corazón compungido después de ver la película.
    I was left with a saddened heart after watching the movie.

  3. Sentirse compungido por una acción pasada

  4. Se siente compungido por no haber estado presente en la boda de su hermano.
    He feels regretful for not having been present at his brother's wedding.

  5. Mirar con ojos compungidos

  6. La madre lo miró con ojos compungidos al escuchar su disculpa.
    The mother looked at him with regretful eyes upon hearing his apology.

  7. Compungido por las decisiones del pasado

  8. Está compungido por las decisiones que tomó hace años.
    He is regretful about the decisions he made years ago.


The term "compungido" comes from the Latin word compungere, which means "to pierce through" or "to prick hard." The connotation evolved over time into feelings of emotional distress or regret as if one's heart has been pierced by sorrow or guilt.

Synonyms and Antonyms


