computadora - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

computadora (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Computadora" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "computadora" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options

The word "computadora" translates to "computer" in English.

Meaning and Usage

"Computadora" refers to an electronic device that processes, stores, and retrieves information. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to technology, education, and business. The frequency of use is high in contemporary language due to the prevalence of computers in daily life.

Context of Use

Example Sentences

  1. La computadora está encendida y lista para trabajar.
    The computer is on and ready to work.

  2. Necesito comprar una nueva computadora para mis estudios.
    I need to buy a new computer for my studies.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "computadora" is often used in idiomatic expressions or phrases related to technology and digital life. Here are a few expressions:

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No todo lo que brilla es computadora.
    Not everything that glitters is a computer.
    (Meaning things are not always as they seem; metaphorically referring to appearances.)

  2. Estar pegado a la computadora.
    To be glued to the computer.
    (Meaning to be constantly on the computer, often used critically to denote excessive screen time.)

  3. Hacer una copia de seguridad en la computadora.
    To make a backup on the computer.
    (Refers to the importance of data security in a digital context.)

  4. El mundo no gira solo alrededor de la computadora.
    The world doesn't just revolve around the computer.
    (Implying that there’s more to life than technology.)


The term "computadora" originates from the verb "computar," which itself comes from the Latin "computare," meaning 'to calculate.' The suffix "-dora" denotes the agent or instrument performing the action, hence "computadora" translates to 'one that computes' or 'calculator', evolving into the meaning of 'computer' we understand today.

Synonyms and Antonyms



These distinctions highlight how "computadora" is central to discussions regarding technology, its implementation in everyday life, and the evolving language surrounding digital devices.
