comuna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comuna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word comuna is a noun (sustantivo).

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet: /koˈmuna/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, comuna typically refers to a local administrative division or community. It can also indicate a group of people who share common interests or culture. The word is frequently used in contexts related to politics, social organization, and local governance.

Frequency of Use

Comuna is a moderately used word in both oral and written Spanish, frequently appearing in political discussions, social contexts, and legislative texts.

Example Sentences

  1. La comuna de Murcia tiene muchas tradiciones culturales.
  2. The commune of Murcia has many cultural traditions.

  3. Los habitantes de la comuna participaron en la elección local.

  4. The residents of the community participated in the local election.

  5. En la comuna, se organizaron actividades para promover el arte local.

  6. In the community, activities were organized to promote local art.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word comuna is often used in various idiomatic expressions, especially in political and social contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. La voz de la comuna se escuchó en la asamblea.
  2. The voice of the community was heard in the assembly.

  3. En la comuna, todos trabajan juntos hacia un mismo objetivo.

  4. In the commune, everyone works together towards the same goal.

  5. La autonomía de la comuna es esencial para su desarrollo.

  6. The autonomy of the community is essential for its development.

  7. La comuna enfrenta retos importantes, pero está unida.

  8. The community faces important challenges, but it is united.

  9. La identidad de la comuna se refleja en sus festivales anuales.

  10. The identity of the community is reflected in its annual festivals.

  11. Se celebró una reunión para discutir los problemas de la comuna.

  12. A meeting was held to discuss the problems of the local authority.

  13. La comuna es más fuerte cuando sus miembros están comprometidos.

  14. The commune is stronger when its members are committed.

  15. La historia de la comuna está llena de luchas y victorias.

  16. The history of the community is full of struggles and victories.


The word comuna originates from the Latin communis, which means "common" or "shared." It evolved through Old French as commune before making its way into Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms


