comunicación - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

comunicación (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Comunicación is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/kumu̽nikaˈθjon/ (in Spain) or /kumu̽nikaˈʃjon/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Comunicación refers to the process of transferring information or conveying messages between individuals or groups. This term is broadly applied in various contexts including interpersonal exchanges, mass media, corporate communications, and communication technologies. It signifies both the act of communicating and the medium through which communication occurs.

Example Sentences

  1. La comunicación efectiva es clave en cualquier relación.
  2. Effective communication is key in any relationship.

  3. En el mundo moderno, la comunicación digital ha transformado la forma en que interactuamos.

  4. In the modern world, digital communication has transformed the way we interact.

  5. La comunicación en la empresa debe ser clara y concisa.

  6. Communication in the company should be clear and concise.

Idiomatic Expressions

Comunicación is often used in idiomatic expressions and phrases related to conveying messages or understanding. Below are some examples:

  1. Comunicación es clave.
  2. Communication is key.
  3. This expression emphasizes the importance of effective communication in relationships and businesses.

  4. Falta de comunicación.

  5. Lack of communication.
  6. Used to describe scenarios where misunderstandings arise due to insufficient dialogue.

  7. Establecer una buena comunicación.

  8. Establish good communication.
  9. Refers to the act of creating an effective channel for exchanging ideas or information.

  10. Comunicación no verbal.

  11. Non-verbal communication.
  12. Describes the various ways of conveying messages without words, such as body language or facial expressions.

  13. Comunicación abierta.

  14. Open communication.
  15. Refers to a situation where parties feel free to express their thoughts and feelings honestly.

  16. Comunicación asertiva.

  17. Assertive communication.
  18. This phrase refers to expressing one's thoughts and feelings in a respectful and confident manner.

Example Sentences Using Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Para una relación saludable, la comunicación es clave.
  2. For a healthy relationship, communication is key.

  3. La falta de comunicación puede llevar a malentendidos graves.

  4. Lack of communication can lead to serious misunderstandings.

  5. Es fundamental establecer una buena comunicación en el equipo de trabajo.

  6. It is essential to establish good communication within the work team.


The word comunicación comes from the Latin communicatio, which itself derives from communicare, meaning "to share" or "to make common." The root of this term is communis, meaning "common" or "shared." Over time, it has evolved in meaning to encompass various forms of communication from the personal to the digital.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Mensaje (message) - Transmisión (transmission) - Interacción (interaction) - Correspondencia (correspondence)

Antonyms: - Silencio (silence) - Desconexión (disconnection) - Conflicto (conflict) - Malentendido (misunderstanding)
