comunicarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comunicarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

comunicarse - Verb (reflexive)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. to communicate
  2. to talk to each other
  3. to convey information

Meaning and Usage

comunicarse refers to the act of exchanging information or conveying messages between individuals or groups. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal conversations, business communications, and public speaking. In Spanish, it is often used in both oral and written contexts, though it tends to be more prevalent in spoken interaction due to the nature of communication being inherently interactive.

Frequency of Use

The verb comunicarse is commonly used in everyday conversations, educational settings, and professional environments. Its frequent use is essential for establishing connections and initiating dialogues.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante comunicarse con los demás para resolver malentendidos.
  2. It is important to communicate with others to resolve misunderstandings.

  3. En esta empresa, nos gusta comunicarnos de manera abierta.

  4. In this company, we like to communicate openly.

  5. A veces es difícil comunicarse cuando hay una barrera de idioma.

  6. Sometimes it is hard to communicate when there is a language barrier.

Idiomatic Expressions

comunicarse features in various idiomatic expressions that emphasize the importance of communication in relationships and social interactions.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Comunicarse de corazón a corazón
  2. Signifies a deep and sincere exchange, akin to "communicate heart to heart."
  3. Example: Necesitamos comunicarnos de corazón a corazón sobre nuestros sentimientos.

    • We need to communicate heart to heart about our feelings.
  4. No se pueden comunicar de forma eficaz

  5. This means "they cannot communicate effectively."
  6. Example: Si no escuchamos, no se pueden comunicar de forma eficaz.

    • If we do not listen, they cannot communicate effectively.
  7. Comunicarse a través de las palabras

  8. Meaning "to communicate through words."
  9. Example: La poesía es una manera de comunicarse a través de las palabras.

    • Poetry is a way of communicating through words.
  10. Dificultad para comunicarse

  11. Refers to "difficulty in communicating."
  12. Example: Algunas personas tienen dificultad para comunicarse en situaciones de estrés.

    • Some people have difficulty communicating in stressful situations.
  13. Comunicarse con el cuerpo

  14. Means "to communicate with the body," referring to non-verbal communication.
  15. Example: A veces, se puede comunicar con el cuerpo más que con palabras.
    • Sometimes, you can communicate with your body more than with words.


The term comunicarse stems from the Latin word "communicare," which means "to share" or "to make common." The prefix "com-" implies togetherness, while the root "munus" relates to a gift or duty, thus embedding the sense of sharing information among people.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Interactuar (to interact) - Conversar (to converse) - Hablar (to talk)

Antonyms - Callar (to silence) - Ignorar (to ignore) - Aislarse (to isolate oneself)

By understanding comunicarse in terms of its definition, usage, idioms, and synonyms, one can grasp its relevance and application in both everyday and formal contexts within the Spanish language.
