comunicativo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comunicativo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word comunicativo describes someone or something that is good at communicating or expresses themselves readily. In Spanish, it can refer to individuals who are open and willing to share thoughts and feelings or to environments that encourage interaction.

This term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, often when describing personality traits or communication styles. Its use can vary slightly by region, but it is widely understood across the Spanish-speaking world.

Example Sentences

  1. Él es muy comunicativo y siempre comparte sus ideas con los demás.
    He is very communicative and always shares his ideas with others.

  2. En un entorno de trabajo, es importante ser comunicativo para evitar malentendidos.
    In a work environment, it is important to be communicative to avoid misunderstandings.

  3. Los niños suelen ser más comunicativos cuando se sienten cómodos.
    Children tend to be more communicative when they feel comfortable.

Idiomatic Expressions

The adjective comunicativo appears in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, typically related to expression, dialogue, and interpersonal communication.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Ser un libro abierto (To be an open book)
    Ella es un libro abierto; siempre habla sobre sus pensamientos y sentimientos.
    She is an open book; she always talks about her thoughts and feelings.

  2. Hablar hasta por los codos (To talk a lot)
    Mi amigo habla hasta por los codos; no puede dejar de comunicativo en la cena.
    My friend talks a lot; he can't stop being communicative at dinner.

  3. Echar toda la carne al asador (To go all out)
    Durante la reunión, el gerente echó toda la carne al asador y fue muy comunicativo sobre la estrategia.
    During the meeting, the manager went all out and was very communicative about the strategy.

  4. Tener la lengua suelta (To have a loose tongue)
    Es mejor tener precaución al hablar con él; tiene la lengua suelta y es demasiado comunicativo.
    It’s better to be cautious when talking to him; he has a loose tongue and is too communicative.

  5. No tener pelos en la lengua (To not hold back)
    Es comunicativo y no tiene pelos en la lengua; siempre dice lo que piensa.
    He is communicative and doesn’t hold back; he always says what he thinks.


The word comunicativo comes from the Latin communicativus, which means "able to communicate." It is derived from communicare, meaning "to share" or "to make common." The prefix com- signifies "together" or "with," indicating the act of sharing information or thoughts.

Synonyms and Antonyms


