comunitario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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comunitario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Comunitario is an adjective in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Community
  2. Communal
  3. Joint
  4. Collective

Meaning and Usage

The word “comunitario” relates to a community or collective aspect. It refers to anything that pertains to a community, its members, or shared experiences among them.

In Spanish, it is often used to describe actions, programs, organizations, or resources that are designed to benefit a community as a whole rather than individual interests. The frequency of use tends to be higher in written contexts, such as in legal or academic discourse, but it can also be used in oral communication.

Example Sentences

  1. El proyecto comunitario busca mejorar la calidad de vida de los vecinos.
    The community project aims to improve the quality of life for the neighbors.

  2. La nueva ley comunitaria favorece la cooperación entre municipios.
    The new community law promotes cooperation between municipalities.

  3. Participé en una reunión comunitaria para discutir nuestras necesidades.
    I participated in a community meeting to discuss our needs.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "comunitario" is less frequently seen in idiomatic expressions, it can still appear in contexts reflecting community values or actions:

  1. Espíritu comunitario
    Community spirit
    "El espíritu comunitario se refleja en la colaboración durante eventos locales."
    The community spirit is reflected in the collaboration during local events.

  2. Acuerdo comunitario
    Community agreement
    "El acuerdo comunitario fue establecido para proteger los recursos naturales."
    The community agreement was established to protect natural resources.

  3. Responsabilidad comunitaria
    Community responsibility
    "Es nuestra responsabilidad comunitaria cuidar del bienestar de todos."
    It is our community responsibility to care for the well-being of everyone.

  4. Cohesión comunitaria
    Community cohesion
    "La cohesión comunitaria es fundamental para el desarrollo sostenible."
    Community cohesion is essential for sustainable development.

  5. Participación comunitaria
    Community participation
    "La participación comunitaria es clave para el éxito del programa."
    Community participation is key to the success of the program.


The term "comunitario" originates from the Latin "communitatĭs," which translates to "community." The root "com" means "with" or "together," combined with "munus," meaning "gift" or "function," reflects the shared responsibilities and benefits among members of a community.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Colectivo (Collective) - Social (Social) - Comunal (Communal)

Antonyms: - Individual (Individual) - Privado (Private) - Personal (Personal)

This comprehensive overview of the word "comunitario" offers insight into its meanings, uses, and relationships with community-related contexts.
