con mil amores - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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con mil amores (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "con mil amores" functions as a prepositional phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/kɔn mil aˈmoɾes/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "con mil amores" is often used to express affection, endearment, or deep emotional commitment towards someone or something. It can be used in both spoken and written contexts, often appearing in songs, poems, and romantic correspondence. The phrase is fairly common in everyday conversations but is more frequently found in literary or musical contexts, giving it a poetic resonance.

Example Sentences

  1. Te quiero con mil amores, siempre estaré a tu lado.
  2. I love you with a thousand loves; I will always be by your side.

  3. Ella me escribió una carta que decía que todo lo hace con mil amores.

  4. She wrote me a letter saying that she does everything with a thousand loves.

  5. Siempre recuerdo ese día; lo disfruté con mil amores.

  6. I always remember that day; I enjoyed it with a thousand loves.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "con mil amores" is often part of romantic idiomatic expressions and can convey strong emotions. Here are a few idiomatic expressions that incorporate the concept of love:

  1. Amar con mil amores:
  2. Ella me dijo que amar con mil amores es lo que siente por su familia.
  3. She told me that to love with a thousand loves is what she feels for her family.

  4. Hacer algo con mil amores:

  5. Siempre preparo la cena con mil amores para que todos disfruten.
  6. I always prepare dinner with a thousand loves so that everyone enjoys.

  7. Dar amor con mil amores:

  8. Mi abuela siempre nos daba amor con mil amores.
  9. My grandmother always gave us love with a thousand loves.

  10. Vivir con mil amores:

  11. Quiero vivir con mil amores cada día, disfrutando de lo que tengo.
  12. I want to live with a thousand loves every day, enjoying what I have.


The phrase "con mil amores" is derived from the Spanish word "amor," meaning "love." "Con" translates to "with," and "mil" translates to "one thousand." The use of “mil” (thousand) is a hyperbolic expression intended to emphasize intensity, often found in poetic and romantic contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The phrase "con mil amores" beautifully encapsulates the exuberance of affection, enhancing emotional expressions in the Spanish language.
