con resolución - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

con resolución (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Phonetic transcription

Translation options into English


"Con resolución" translates to "with determination" or "with resolution" in English. It is used to describe an action or attitude that is undertaken with a firm decision and commitment to achieve a specific goal or outcome. This phrase is commonly used in both oral and written contexts to convey a sense of decisiveness and unwavering determination.

Example sentences

  1. Spanish: Con resolución, alcanzarás tus metas. English: With determination, you will achieve your goals.

  2. Spanish: Decidió actuar con resolución frente a los desafíos. English: He decided to act with resolution in the face of challenges.

Idiomatic expressions

"Con resolución" is not part of a common idiomatic expression in Spanish.


The word "resolución" comes from the Latin word "resolutio," which means "a loosening or releasing." In Spanish, it evolved to mean a decision or determination to carry out something.

