conato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Context

The word conato is primarily used in the legal domain in Spanish. It refers to the attempt or effort made to achieve something, particularly in the context of an attempted crime. In legal terms, it denotes when an individual makes an initial move toward committing a crime but does not complete it.

Example Sentences

  1. El conato de robo fue denunciado ante la policía.
    The attempted robbery was reported to the police.

  2. El abogado argumentó que el conato no debió ser considerado como un delito.
    The lawyer argued that the attempt should not be considered a crime.

  3. Se llegó a un conato de acuerdo, pero no se concretó.
    There was an attempt at an agreement, but it was not finalized.

Idiomatic Expressions

While conato itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it does have usage in phrases that discuss attempts or efforts. Below are some idiomatic expressions that reflect themes of trying or attempting something:

  1. Hacer un conato de solución.
    To make an attempt at a solution.
  2. El equipo de trabajo hizo un conato de solución, pero el problema persistió.
    The work team made an attempt at a solution, but the problem persisted.

  3. Conato de diálogo.
    Attempt at dialogue.

  4. Hubo un conato de diálogo entre las partes, aunque no lograron llegar a un acuerdo.
    There was an attempt at dialogue between the parties, although they did not reach an agreement.

  5. Un conato de resistencia.
    An attempt at resistance.

  6. Durante la reunión, los empleados hicieron un conato de resistencia a los cambios propuestos.
    During the meeting, the employees made an attempt at resistance to the proposed changes.


The term conato originates from the Latin word conatus, which means "effort" or "attempt." The root conveys the sense of striving toward achieving something, particularly in a legal or formal capacity.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the use and meaning of conato in various contexts.
