concebir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concebir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"concebir" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/konˈθe.βir/ in Castilian Spanish or /konˈsi.βir/ in Latin American Spanish.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"concebir" primarily means to become pregnant or to form a mental image or idea. In the medical context, it often refers to the act of conception. In general usage, it can refer to the ability to understand or create ideas.

The word "concebir" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to reproduction, literature, philosophy, and innovation. Its frequency is high in academic writings, health discussions, and casual conversations about ideas or plans.

Example Sentences

  1. La pareja decidió concebir un hijo.
    The couple decided to conceive a child.

  2. Es difícil concebir cómo resolver este problema.
    It is difficult to conceive how to solve this problem.

  3. María puede concebir nuevas ideas rápidamente.
    Maria can conceive new ideas quickly.

Idiomatic Expressions

"concebir" is often used in idiomatic expressions that convey ideas about creativity, plans, and understanding.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No puedo concebir este proyecto sin la ayuda de mi equipo.
    I cannot conceive of this project without the help of my team.

  2. Es difícil concebir la grandeza de la obra sin haberla visto.
    It is hard to conceive the greatness of the work without having seen it.

  3. Ella siempre puede concebir soluciones innovadoras para los problemas.
    She can always conceive innovative solutions to problems.

  4. No puedo concebir por qué tomó esa decisión.
    I cannot conceive why he made that decision.

  5. Solo alguien con mucha creatividad puede concebir tales ideas.
    Only someone with a lot of creativity can conceive such ideas.


The word "concebir" comes from the Latin "concipere", which means "to take in", "to receive", or "to conceive", composed of the prefix "con-" meaning "together" and "capere" meaning "to seize" or "to take".

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown illustrates the multi-faceted nature of the verb "concebir" in both general and medical contexts, including its uses, expressions, and linguistic roots.
