conceder - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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conceder (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "conceder" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/phonetic transcription/ conθeˈðeɾ (Spain) or konˈsedeɾ (Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Conceder" means to grant or to give permission for something. It is often used in contexts involving rights, requests, or advantages. In legal contexts, it can refer to granting a right or privilege. In everyday usage, it can denote the act of yielding or giving way to someone's request or agreement.

Usage Frequency: "Conceder" is fairly commonly used in both oral and written contexts, featuring frequently in legal texts, negotiations, and everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El gobierno decidió conceder más derechos a los trabajadores.
  2. The government decided to grant more rights to workers.

  3. El tribunal se vio obligado a conceder el recurso al demandante.

  4. The court was forced to concede the appeal to the plaintiff.

  5. Acepté conceder un tiempo adicional para que completaran el proyecto.

  6. I agreed to grant additional time for them to complete the project.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "conceder" is used in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting nuances in its meaning in specific contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Conceder el beneficio de la duda es importante en una discusión.
  2. To grant the benefit of the doubt is important in a discussion.

  3. Nos están concediendo más tiempo para finalizar el trabajo.

  4. They are granting us more time to finish the work.

  5. Conceder un favor a un amigo es una muestra de buena voluntad.

  6. Granting a favor to a friend is a show of good will.

  7. Al final tuvieron que conceder una derrota en la negociación.

  8. In the end, they had to concede a defeat in the negotiation.

  9. Siempre debes conceder espacio a los demás en una conversación.

  10. You should always grant space to others in a conversation.


"Conceder" comes from the Latin word "concedere," which is a compound of "con-" (meaning 'with') and "cedere" (meaning 'to go, yield, or give'). This reflects the action of yielding or granting something to another party.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides you with detailed information about the word "conceder," highlighting its usage, idiomatic expressions, and etymological background in Spanish.
