concejal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concejal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "concejal" refers to a member of a local government council or assembly. In many Spanish-speaking countries, concejales are elected representatives who participate in decision-making processes at the municipal level. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions surrounding local governance, politics, and public administration. Its use is fairly frequent, especially in news articles, political discourse, and legal documents pertaining to municipal affairs.

Example Sentences

  1. El concejal presentó una propuesta para mejorar las infraestructuras del barrio.
  2. The councilor presented a proposal to improve the neighborhood's infrastructure.

  3. Los concejales votaron a favor de la nueva normativa ambiental.

  4. The councilors voted in favor of the new environmental regulation.

  5. La comunidad se reunió con el concejal para discutir sus preocupaciones.

  6. The community met with the councilor to discuss their concerns.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "concejal"

While "concejal" is not a common component of idiomatic expressions, it can appear in political contexts. Below are relevant sentences that demonstrate its usage in local governance expressions.

  1. El concejal de la zona tiene la responsabilidad de atender las necesidades de los ciudadanos.
  2. The councilor for the area has the responsibility to address the needs of the citizens.

  3. El concejal fue reelegido por su dedicación a los problemas comunitarios.

  4. The councilor was re-elected for his dedication to community issues.

  5. Es importante que los concejales escuchen las voces de sus electores.

  6. It is important for councilors to listen to the voices of their voters.

  7. Las decisiones del concejal afectan directamente el desarrollo local.

  8. The councilor's decisions directly impact local development.

  9. Los ciudadanos deben estar informados sobre las acciones de su concejal.

  10. Citizens should be informed about their councilor's actions.


The word "concejal" originates from the Latin term "consiliarius," which means adviser or counselor. This reflects the role of a councilor as someone who advises and helps guide local governance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "concejal" plays a significant role in local governance in the Spanish-speaking world, representing elected officials who serve the interests of their communities.
