concentrado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concentrado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Concentrado is an adjective in Spanish. It can also function as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word concentrado generally refers to something that has had its volume or content reduced while maintaining its essential properties, often in relation to substances, solutions, or efforts. It can also imply a state of focus or intensity. In Spanish, it is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in medical, scientific, and everyday language.

Frequency of Use: Moderate to high, depending on the context (more common in written contexts for technical applications).

Example Sentences

  1. El jugo de naranja concentrado es más dulce que el natural.
    The concentrated orange juice is sweeter than the natural one.

  2. Para la receta, necesitamos un concentrado de tomate.
    For the recipe, we need a tomato concentrate.

  3. Ella está muy concentrada en sus estudios este semestre.
    She is very focused on her studies this semester.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word concentrado is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in contexts that involve focus or intent.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Cuando estoy concentrado, el tiempo pasa volando.
    When I am focused, time flies by.

  2. Estaba tan concentrado en su trabajo que no escuchó lo que le decían.
    He was so focused on his work that he didn't hear what they were telling him.

  3. La mente concentrada puede lograr grandes resultados.
    A focused mind can achieve great results.

  4. Es difícil mantener la concentración en un ambiente ruidoso.
    It is difficult to maintain concentration in a noisy environment.


The term "concentrado" comes from the Latin verb "concentrare," which means to bring together or to gather. Over time, it developed in Spanish to refer to both the act of focusing and the state of being made denser or more intense.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, concentrado is a versatile term used in various contexts, primarily relating to density or focus, with applications in everyday language and technical fields.
