concentrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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concentrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "concentrar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/konθenˈtɾaɾ/ (Castilian Spanish)
/kənˈsɛntrɑr/ (Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "concentrar" refers to the action of focusing one's attention on a particular subject, gathering materials, or making something denser or more compact. In the Spanish language, it is commonly used in various contexts, ranging from general conversation to academic and scientific discussions. The frequency of use is relatively high, with a slight preference for written contexts such as academic papers and literature, although it is also prevalent in everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante concentrar la atención en el aprendizaje.
    It is important to concentrate attention on learning.

  2. Necesitamos concentrar todos los recursos en este proyecto.
    We need to gather all the resources for this project.

  3. Debes concentrar tu mente si quieres resolver el problema.
    You must focus your mind if you want to solve the problem.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "concentrar" itself does not frequently appear in fixed idiomatic expressions, it is often involved in phrases related to focus and attention. Here are some expressions that convey similar meanings:

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Concentrar esfuerzos.
    Vamos a concentrar esfuerzos para finalizar el proyecto a tiempo.
    We are going to focus our efforts to finish the project on time.

  2. Concentrarse en algo.
    Es difícil concentrarse en algo cuando hay tanto ruido.
    It is hard to focus on something when there is so much noise.

  3. Concentrar la mente.
    Concentrar la mente te ayudará a tomar mejores decisiones.
    Focusing your mind will help you make better decisions.

  4. Concentración total.
    Para este examen, necesito una concentración total.
    For this exam, I need total concentration.

  5. Concentrar ideas.
    Vamos a concentrar nuestras ideas y presentarlas.
    Let’s gather our ideas and present them.


The word "concentrar" comes from the Latin "concentrāre," which is a compound of the prefix "con-" meaning "together" and "centrum," meaning "center." Thus, it literally means to bring things together to a center.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive breakdown provides insight into the verb "concentrar," showcasing its meanings, uses, and nuances in the Spanish language.
